Is This My City? Nicosia, part #1 & #2

Is_this_my_city_Christos_Polymenakos small Site(s) Specific Performance Writing Installation in Virtual and Physical Space


What is the language that makes questions most accessible to inhabitants, workers and passers by? How might a question placed in an abandoned due to the financial crisis high-street store and the printed and online version of the hip free press, may raise questions of belonging and claiming of a collectively desirable inhabiting of a place?

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Greek Language for Young Students I Online Course I “M.”

Greek Language Online Course for Young Students. Start yours anytime, from any part of the world.

Alphabet Image for Greek Language Online Courses test imageM. is a young Greek-Cypriot girl with loads of imagination and a flair for languages. Having attended solely English speaking schools around the world, currently residing in Saudi Arabia, her parents were looking for an online Greek language course that M. would enjoy.


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«…under the lotus flower.»

...under the lotus flower CP Press ImagePerformance Writing Installation in Online and Physical Space

...under the lotus flower -video still - CP«…under the lotus flower. I want to forget everything…» So much of what’s going on, terrifies us. So, what do we do? A thriller taking place under the lotus flower.

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Horizons, Reflections And More Lies * ~

Horizons_Reflections_And_More_Lies_CPolymenakosSite(s) Specific Performance Writing Installation in Virtual and Physical Space

What constitutes a horizon? Why do some promises have decisive importance, even when we know from the outset that they will (probably) go down in history as unfulfilled? Do limitations divide or unite, do they hinder or do they incite meetings? Randomness, study, passion, art and responsibility, dreams and sea.

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body/word & Performance Writing As Visual Art And Curatorial Dramaturgy

Online_Projects_Christos_PolymenakosA body/word Course originally designed for MFA Students 

How may body/word offer a contemporary way into curatorial practice? What does dramaturgy mean in the context of Visual Arts? Do you need to write with words? How does Performance Writing allow personal practices and updated theories to blend  in a unique methodology?

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Public Speaking Course I A. G.


Public Speaking in Class AGConcentration, self-control, relaxed focus, succinct articulation are essential components of professional efficiency in every language and every working environment. Public speaking is the way to convey these in your work. body/word is the way to secure you excel.


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