Is This My City? Nicosia, part #1 & #2

Is_this_my_city_Christos_Polymenakos small Site(s) Specific Performance Writing Installation in Virtual and Physical Space


What is the language that makes questions most accessible to inhabitants, workers and passers by? How might a question placed in an abandoned due to the financial crisis high-street store and the printed and online version of the hip free press, may raise questions of belonging and claiming of a collectively desirable inhabiting of a place?

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«…under the lotus flower.»

...under the lotus flower CP Press ImagePerformance Writing Installation in Online and Physical Space

...under the lotus flower -video still - CP«…under the lotus flower. I want to forget everything…» So much of what’s going on, terrifies us. So, what do we do? A thriller taking place under the lotus flower.

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