Unsuspected Time

Anypoptos_Hronos_Kinitiras_PolymenakosPublic Space Dance Performance  


“In time unsuspected, enters the unexpected” A public space dance performance by Kinitiras based on my poem, “In Time Unsuspected”. It traveled in different squares in Athens, before it appeared at the central square of Kalamata in the frame of the Kalamata International Dance Festival.

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1975 CPOLYMENAKOSPerformance Writing Play in 3 Acts 

Komodo Dragon CPOLYMENAKOS“Pillow Lava”, “The Komodo Dragon”, “Trailer”. Enter body. Enter word. A crazy monologue, a song in English and Greek, a schizo-interview. A dive into the deep waters of identity, its formulating factors and forms. A surprising choice for the short list of the Tassos Papandreou Young Creators’ Competition, bringing together amazing people.

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