Is This My City? Nicosia, part #1 & #2

Is_this_my_city_Christos_Polymenakos small Site(s) Specific Performance Writing Installation in Virtual and Physical Space


What is the language that makes questions most accessible to inhabitants, workers and passers by? How might a question placed in an abandoned due to the financial crisis high-street store and the printed and online version of the hip free press, may raise questions of belonging and claiming of a collectively desirable inhabiting of a place?

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“Performance Writing as practiced in Dartington College of Arts and the body/word method: interdisciplinary approaches to writing as tools for research, creation and education. A starting point.»

CPOLYMENAKOS KEY NOTE PRESENTATION PATRAS test ImageKeynote Presentation on body/word and Performance Writing – March 2018

body/word CPOLYMENAKOSSo, what is this multimodal approach to writing, called body/word and how has it been useful in research, creation and education since 2009? An overview of it’s history and relation to DCA’s Performance Writing.

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PERFORMANCE WRITING -2nd Congress Performing Arts in Education, University of Patras, Archaelogical Museum of Patras, Funded by the University of Patras, Research Committee.

Performance_Writing_body_word_Polymenakos_Patras PW Patras test imageA panel dedicated to Performance Writing as practiced in Dartington College of Arts – March 2018

A unique combination of Performance Writing Academics and Practitioners share their take on Performance Writing and it’s applications in contemporary education. In the frame of 2nd Congress Performing Arts in Education, University of Patras, Archaelogical Museum of Patras, Funded by the University of Patras, Research Committee, for the 1st time in Greece.

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Horizons, Reflections And More Lies * ~

Horizons_Reflections_And_More_Lies_CPolymenakosSite(s) Specific Performance Writing Installation in Virtual and Physical Space

What constitutes a horizon? Why do some promises have decisive importance, even when we know from the outset that they will (probably) go down in history as unfulfilled? Do limitations divide or unite, do they hinder or do they incite meetings? Randomness, study, passion, art and responsibility, dreams and sea.

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1975 CPOLYMENAKOSPerformance Writing Play in 3 Acts 

Komodo Dragon CPOLYMENAKOS“Pillow Lava”, “The Komodo Dragon”, “Trailer”. Enter body. Enter word. A crazy monologue, a song in English and Greek, a schizo-interview. A dive into the deep waters of identity, its formulating factors and forms. A surprising choice for the short list of the Tassos Papandreou Young Creators’ Competition, bringing together amazing people.

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